HE Series [ High Exhaust Brands]

'HE ' Series Dyes

These dyes belong to the new class of SUNACTIVE Dyes, having high substantivity and superior exhaustion. HE dyes are recommended for dyeing of cellulosic material by batchwise method on jigger, winch or open vat etc, for obtaining brighter shades. He dyes are mainly suite for dyeing of mixed shade as they are less sensitive to variation in Liquor to goods ratio and concentration of electrolytes in the dye batch as compared to cold or hot brands. The main advantage of HE dyes is excellent built up, high fixation, good compatibility, consistency of color yield and excellent wet fastness properties.

"HE" "High Exhaust" Dyes

1% Dyeing

4% Dyeing

C.I. Reactive



Yellow HE6G
Yellow 135



Yellow HE4G
Yelow 81



Golden Yellow HE4R
Yellow 84



Orange HER
Orange 84



Red HE3B
Red 120



Red HE7B
Red 141



Red HE8B
Red 152



Turq. Blue HA
Blue 71



Navy Blue HER
Blue 171



Navy Blue HE2R
Blue 172



Green HE4B
Green 19



Blue 198



Blue 160